Slaty-breasted Tinamou

Image © Richard Orr
(Permission Pending)


Scientific Name: Crypturellus boucardi

Name in Spanish (Mexico): Tinamú Jamuey

Name in Mayan (if known):

ABA 4-Letter Bird Code: SBTI

Family: Tinamidae - Tinamous

About this Species

The Slaty-breasted Tinamou, also known as Crypturellus boucardi, is a bird species found in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. It belongs to the family Tinamidae, which is composed of ground-dwelling birds native to South America. The Slaty-breasted Tinamou is a medium-sized bird that can reach up to 27cm in length and weighs around 250g.

These birds inhabit tropical rainforests and dry forests, and can also be found in secondary growth and disturbed areas. They are mainly active during the day, feeding on seeds, fruits, and insects. They are elusive and usually difficult to spot, relying on their cryptic coloration and excellent camouflage to avoid predators.

The Slaty-breasted Tinamou has a unique breeding system known as polygynandry, where multiple males and females form breeding groups and share parental duties. Females lay around 3-5 eggs in a well-camouflaged nest on the ground, and both males and females take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the young.

The population of Slaty-breasted Tinamous in the Yucatan Peninsula is thought to be stable, but habitat destruction due to deforestation and human development remains a potential threat. Conservation efforts, such as protected areas and sustainable land use practices, are necessary to ensure the survival of this fascinating species.

*Occurrence and Distribution Status in the Yucatan Peninsula

Yearround, Fairly Common to Uncommon Resident of humid tropical lowlands. More common in the south.

*This information was gathered from eBird (