White-winged Dove

Image © Jim Gain


About this Species

The White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) is a species of dove that can be found in various habitats throughout the Yucatan Peninsula, including Guatemala and Belize. These doves are migratory, with some individuals spending the breeding season in the Yucatan and others moving further north to breed in the southern United States.

In their natural habitat, White-winged Doves primarily feed on seeds and fruits, but will also eat insects and other small invertebrates when available. These doves are known for their distinctive cooing calls, which can often be heard throughout the day. While they are not considered to be endangered, the White-winged Dove is still heavily hunted in some areas for both food and sport. Conservation efforts are underway to protect this species and ensure its continued survival in the Yucatan Peninsula and beyond.

*Occurrence and Distribution in the Yucatan Peninsula

RESIDENCY STATUS: Yearround Resident

FREQUENCY STATUS: Fairly Common in the...

DISTRIBUTION TRENDS: Highest populations are in the ...

*This information was gathered from eBird (www.ebird.org)

Suggestions on How to Find This Species