Image © Jim Gain


About this Species

The Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus) is a small waterbird that inhabits freshwater wetlands throughout the Yucatan Peninsula. They are primarily found in shallow water bodies, such as ponds, marshes, and slow-moving streams, where they can easily dive to catch prey such as fish, insects, and small crustaceans.

These birds are highly adapted to their aquatic lifestyle, with their lobed toes and waterproof plumage allowing them to swim and dive with ease. During the breeding season, males will establish territories and perform courtship displays, which involve a variety of vocalizations and head bobbing movements.

Although the Least Grebe is not currently considered a threatened species, habitat loss and degradation due to human activities such as agriculture and urbanization pose a potential threat to their populations. Conservation efforts, such as wetland restoration and protection, can help to ensure the continued survival of this unique and important species in the Yucatan Peninsula.

*Occurrence and Distribution in the Yucatan Peninsula

RESIDENCY STATUS: Yearround Resident

FREQUENCY STATUS: Fairly Common in the...

DISTRIBUTION TRENDS: Highest populations are in the ...

*This information was gathered from eBird (

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