Vegetation Zones

Mangrove and Littoral Forests - Red Mangrove, Coconut Palm

BELIZE - Gra Gra Lagoon, Joe Taylor, Caye Caulker, New River Ferry

Marshes and Lagoons - Grasses, sedges and reeds

BELIZE - Crooked Tree, New River

Lowland Pine Woodlands and Savannah - Honduran Pine, Caribbean Pines, and Palmetto Palm

BELIZE - Crooked Tree, 

Submontane Pine Woodlands - Mountain Pine, Caribbean Pine and Oaks

BELIZE - Mountain Pine Ridge

Lowland Broadleaf Forests - Closed-canopy broadleaved hardwood forests with Bri-bri, Bullet Tree and Cabbage Palm

BELIZE - Chan Chich, Blue Hole, Red Bank


Submontane Broadleaf Forests - Semideciduous Broadleaved Forest with Sapodilla, Ironwood,...

BELIZE - Caracol, Las Cuevas Research Station