Image © Charles J. Sharp
(Creative Commons License)


About this Species

The Zenaida Dove (Zenaida aurita) is an uncommon bird species found in the Yucatan Peninsula, including Guatemala and Belize. Zenaida Doves are generally found in habitats such as forest edges, clearings, and scrublands. They are primarily seed-eaters but also consume fruits, insects, and small snails. These doves are known for their distinctively soft cooing calls and are commonly heard throughout the region.

Breeding season for Zenaida Doves varies depending on location, but generally occurs between March and September. They typically build their nests in trees or shrubs and lay one or two eggs per clutch. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs and caring for the young.

*Occurrence and Distribution in the Yucatan Peninsula

RESIDENCY STATUS: Yearround Resident

FREQUENCY STATUS: Fairly Common in the...

DISTRIBUTION TRENDS: Highest populations are in the ...

*This information was gathered from eBird (

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