Image © Jim Gain


About this Species

The Red-billed Pigeon (Patagioenas flavirostris) is a bird species commonly found in the Yucatan Peninsula, including Guatemala and Belize. These pigeons prefer dense forest habitats with tall trees, where they feed on a variety of fruits, seeds, and insects.

Breeding typically occurs from March to August, with both parents taking turns incubating the eggs and caring for the young. The Red-billed Pigeon is known for its distinctive cooing call, which can be heard echoing through the forests of the Yucatan Peninsula.

Although the Red-billed Pigeon is not currently considered threatened, habitat loss and hunting pose significant threats to the species. Conservation efforts, such as the protection of forests and the creation of sustainable hunting practices, are necessary to ensure the continued survival of this important bird species.

*Occurrence and Distribution in the Yucatan Peninsula

RESIDENCY STATUS: Yearround Resident

FREQUENCY STATUS: Fairly Common in the...

DISTRIBUTION TRENDS: Highest populations are in the ...

*This information was gathered from eBird (

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