Image © Nick Athanas
(Creative Commons License)


Scientific Name: Crypturellus soui

Name in Spanish (Mexico): Tinamú Menor

Name in Mayan (if known):

ABA 4-Letter Bird Code: LITI

Family: Tinamidae - Tinamous

About this Species

The Little Tinamou, also known as Crypturellus soui, is a small, terrestrial bird species that is found throughout the Yucatan Peninsula, including parts of Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico. These birds prefer habitats such as tropical and subtropical forests, and can also be found in dense thickets and lowlands.

Little Tinamous are typically solitary birds, although they may form pairs during the breeding season. They feed primarily on fruits, seeds, and insects, which they forage for on the forest floor. They are most active during the early morning and late afternoon, and tend to spend much of the day hiding in dense vegetation.

Breeding in Little Tinamous typically occurs during the rainy season, which runs from June to October in the Yucatan Peninsula. Males will establish territories and call out to females using a series of low-pitched whistles. Once a pair has formed, the female will lay 3-5 eggs in a shallow nest on the ground, which she incubates for around 17-18 days. The chicks are precocial and are able to leave the nest shortly after hatching.

While Little Tinamous are not currently considered to be threatened, habitat loss and degradation due to deforestation and agriculture pose a significant threat to their populations. Conservation efforts are being undertaken to protect the forests and other habitats that these birds depend on.

*Occurrence and Distribution Status in the Yucatan Peninsula

Yearround, Fairly Common to Uncommon Resident of humid tropical lowlands

*This information was gathered from eBird (